Tick•Take - Tick Remover Tool

A few steps to remove ticks easily, safely, and without touching them!

Summit® TICK•TAKE Tick Removal Tool

The Tick•Take™ tick removal spoon is a safe and easy way to remove ticks—of any size or level of engorgement—from people and pets.

  • Tick•Take™ tick removal spoon is a safe and easy way to remove ticks — of any size or level of engorgement— from people and pets.
  • The specially designed notch grabs the tick at skin level and removes it completely in one continuous sliding motion.
  • Effective, and simple to use—university lab tested and veterinarian and physician endorsed.
  • Tick•Take’s bowl-shaped end securely contains the tick for easy tick disposal.
  • Tick•Take is reusable and easy to disinfect and store for future use.
  • Also use the Tick•Take™ spoon to quickly scoop up crawling ticks for disposal and reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases.
  • Small lightweight design with keyhole —easily lets you take it along when gardening, hiking or doing other outdoor activities.
  • Tick•Take™ 3-PACK — gives you one for home, the car, in the backpack, or on your key ring.